Thursday 26 November 2015

REVIEW - M&S Owlloween Sweets

As a huge fan of owls and squidgy gummy sweets, I have to confess that I was incredibly excited to hear about these Halloween sweets from M&S - so much so that I made a special trip into store with the sole purpose of getting my hands on some. I appreciate that it's approaching the end of November (you can practically hear the sleigh bells ringing us into the festive season) and maybe a Halloween-based post isn't entirely seasonal, but I enjoyed these too much to pass up the chance of giving them a review.

I grabbed these when they were on a 3 for 2 offer in store (I couldn't resist getting two bags of these but I also mixed the selection up and got the 'Wicked Witches' Stockings as well). In true M&S form there was huge range of other sweets and chocolate but it was these that stood out the most to me (and appealed to my inner owl).
My favourite animal in sweet form
The sweets are cola-flavoured and shaped like owls (unsurprisingly) - what I liked was the fact that they actually looked like owls and were really detailed. So many companies don't really seem that fussed about shape or detail when it comes to things like these but M&S will never do things by halves! 
I thought the colours were appropriately owl Halloween-y; a mixture of beige, white and pink/purple. That doesn't sound particularly exciting but they worked well in these sweets and were quite effective. They had a lovely cola scent to them as well.

The sweets themselves were perfectly soft and chewy, exactly what you would expect from a packet of gummy sweets. In a way they were fairly similar to Percy Pigs in texture. M&S also went and put some extra effort into the product, by adding a jelly-like filling to the owls' bellies. It wasn't exactly what I'd expected - I thought it would be more liquid-based (a bit like the Bursting Bugs that featured in my childhood diet) - but it's actually fairly firm. Despite that, it still provides a great texture difference and had a good taste of cola coming through, which wasn't too overpowering but definitely noticeable.

These sweets had everything: taste, texture, attention to detail and novelty factor - I'll give them a 7 out of 10! Having a few more sweets in the packet would have perhaps been nice, but they're fairly large in size so you don't feel like you're missing out too much. I suppose my only other disappointment is that they're not in store all year round, but hey, that's just me being fussy and wanting continuous access to owl-shaped cola-flavoured sweets...

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