Monday 18 January 2016

REVIEW - Muller Light Peanut and Caramel

I find it difficult to believe that we're well over halfway into January now. Christmas seems like a distant memory, there are Easter eggs filling the shelves of the supermarkets (why?! I don't understand?) and the newspapers are taking great delight in informing us that the country has "come to a standstill" (it hasn't) under "4 feet of snow" (there's not). And I am slowly but surely battling my way through pages and pages of exam notes as I try and emerge from my January exams reasonably unscathed. One exam down, two to go!

As I've been constantly cramming my brain full of information on polyphenols, fat metabolism and dietary assessment methods, I haven't had much time to venture to the supermarket (or beyond my front room, if I'm honest) and pick up some new foods to try. However I did manage to get my hands on this new 'peanut and caramel' Muller light yogurt, which has been intriguing me ever since it popped up on social media a week or so ago. I'm not the greatest fan of peanuts (but will eat a Snickers bar if there's really nothing else going) but I wanted to give this a try all the same.

Opening the packet, the yogurt is pretty similar in colour to the toffee Muller yogurt - maybe slightly lighter. I can't say it smelled particularly appetising! It had quite an artificial scent, that wasn't much like either peanut or caramel as far as I could tell.

The yogurt itself.... hmm. I didn't absolutely hate it, but I certainly wouldn't rush out to buy it again. I found the taste to be a bit odd - after a few spoonfuls I could definitely detect a vague peanut flavour (before that, I just had an overwhelming taste of some generic and weird flavouring) but it wasn't that strong and it wasn't particularly nice either. I couldn't taste any caramel at all and the overall taste was just quite sweet (a bit too sweet) and nutty.
Don't inhale too deeply.

It wasn't horrendous, but I think that Muller have tried to come up with a new and different product (which they certainly have, it's a unique flavour to have in a yogurt) but haven't really put much effort into making this actually taste nice, or authentic. True, I imagine peanut is quite a difficult flavour to get right but even so... this could have been a lot better.

5 out of 10 from me. I'll be sticking with fruity yogurts for the time being! If I'm craving peanuts, I'll have a Snickers...

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