Friday 29 January 2016

REVIEW - M&S Roasted Vegetable and Avocado Sandwich

It's been a very long month but finally, FINALLY, my exams are over and I have a brief period of freedom before starting all over again in semester two. After my last exam yesterday (which was horrendous) I decided to pop on the train and come back home for a week - I'm seriously needing some 'me' time and some home comforts. Being ridiculous early for my train (I have a thing for punctuality) and also having no food to sustain me for the journey, I decided to splash the cash and get a sandwich from M&S.

This 'roasted vegetable and avocado' sandwich caught my eye straight away - partly because I thought it sounded nice and also partly because it had a green "new!" sticker on the shelf. I have no willpower for new foods. I haven't been loitering around the sandwich section of M&S for a while, so I couldn't say how recently this was brought out, but probably since after Christmas.

At £3, it's not the cheapest of the M&S sandwiches but it's by no means one of the more expensive varieties. It certainly looked quite attractive, and the description of "roasted red and yellow peppers, red onions and courgette, avocado and spinach with a red pepper dressing on red pepper bread" sounded quite tasty. Opening the packet and you notice that it does smell quite strong - not in an unpleasant way at all though, and certainly a lot nicer than some lunches smell!

The sandwich was nice and soft - maybe verging on slightly too soft in fact, but given the type of filling inside I think it would be quite hard to avoid this. There was plenty of roasted veggies inside and some avocado, along with a generous amount of red pepper dressing. I actually really liked the dressing; it tasted really nice and made a nice change from mayonnaise or salad cream.
Overall the filling was really tasty; the vegetables were roasted perfectly and weren't too oily at all. I was really impressed with the avocado, which was perfectly ripe and so soft and creamy - it's such a notoriously difficult food item to get right, but M&S did really well. The red pepper bread made a nice change from just normal white or brown and went pretty well with the filling.
The only thing I wasn't completely sold on was the spinach leaves - I think wilted spinach could have been nice in this, but whole leaves just didn't really 'go' with the rest of the sandwich and just seemed a bit odd.

Overall a nice tasty sandwich from M&S - admittedly it doesn't hold together that well so you can look quite unattractive when eating it (my own fault really, for eating it on the train platform when surrounded by people). It definitely makes a nice change from the other vegetarian sandwiches that are usually around (typically either egg, cheese, or cheese and tomato) and, at £3, seems pretty reasonably priced for an M&S sandwich. I'd definitely consider buying it again! 8 out of 10.

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