Thursday 7 January 2016

REVIEW - Nakd Gingerbread

A while back, I lamented the fact that I can never seem to find the perfect cereal bar - despite the hoards of them that fill the supermarket aisles, nothing so far has ever quite lived up to my (admittedly high) expectations.
In all truthfulness, maybe this is because my perfect cereal bar isn't actually a cereal bar at all - but rather a smooshed together combination of dried fruits and nuts in a bar shape. Yep, it can only be the one and only Nakd! I do really like Nakd products, particularly the bars, however don't purchase them all that often because I usually find it difficult to justify the 75p cost for a single bar. For that reason, I suppose they can't be classed as my perfect cereal or snack bar (the quest continues) however they certainly fall pretty close.

Feeling extravagant the other day (and spurred on by the special offer price of 50p) I picked myself up a gingerbread Nakd bar - something I've had in the past, but not for a long time. I'd completely forgotten what it tasted like so thought I might as well get reacquainted. Truth be told I was actually hoping for the Christmas pud Nakd bar (always tasty) but that seemed to have been whipped off the shelves as quickly as the Easter eggs were brought in.
The bar is made of nothing more than dates (48%), almonds (32%) and pecans (18%), alongside some ginger, cinnamon and cloves for flavour. Like nearly all Nakd products, it's also gluten, wheat and dairy free.

Appearance-wise, Nakd bars are never the prettiest things (after all, they are just dried fruits and nuts squeezed together) but I do find that the ingredients always look well distributed and the bars hold together well - and this one was no exception. The bar held firm as I bit into it but wasn't too chewy either - the perfect texture really! The little crunchy bits throughout mixed it up a bit and stopped it from being too boring.

The flavour was nice, however I wouldn't say it was distinctly gingerbready - you could certainly taste the spice but it wasn't very intense. I agree that this probably wouldn't be very nice if it tasted too strong, however I think just a bit more flavour is needed because it was just a tiny bit bland.

7 out of 10 for this one, with it only being let down a little bit because I think it could do with a bit more ginger. That said, it's definitely a lot nicer than certain cereal bars I've had in the past - and the only thing that puts me off buying it more regularly is the price tag!

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