Monday 1 February 2016

REVIEW - Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Buns

It's finally February! Don't get me wrong, I don't despise January quite as much as some people do, but you have to admit that it doesn't have much going for it. It's cold and damp, there's never anything good in the sales, your boiler breaks down (well, maybe that's just me) and you're subjected to a barrage of healthy recipes and fitness tips every single day.

February is much more exciting. Pancake Day! Valentine's Day! Cut-price Valentine's chocolate on the 15th! And, by now it's surely an acceptable time to admit that your New Year's resolutions were never going to be successful and you might as well get back to eating some nice food. Possibly in the form of Cinnamon Buns Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
A February delight
I've been so excited to try this flavour, ever since I heard that it had finally appeared in the UK. Anyone who knows me vaguely well will know that I absolutely adore cinnamon (not just the taste, but the smell as well. I have a lot of cinnamon scented candles!) and I've been so intrigued to find out how well it works in ice cream. Like all Ben and Jerry's, it sounds delicious: "caramel ice cream with a cinnamon swirl and chunks of cinnamon bun dough." That's right, cinnamon bun dough. Like cookie dough, but 100x better.

Wielding my strongest ice cream scoop, I got stuck in. Ben and Jerry certainly haven't scrimped on the cinnamon bun dough pieces - apparently they contribute about 11% but it certainly seemed like there were a lot more. Definitely no complaints from me! The pieces were really tasty; they were quite similar to cookie dough bits texture-wise, but with a nice strong cinnamon flavour.
The caramel ice cream was lovely and smooth; in my opinion the caramel flavour wasn't very strong at all but I think that's simply because of the taste of cinnamon. Still, I think it's better that a caramel ice cream was used, rather than a cinnamon ice cream, otherwise it would maybe have a bit *too* much cinnamon (if that's possible).

The cinnamon swirl is delicious as well and pairs nicely with the smooth ice cream and the chewy bun pieces. Overall, yet another winner from Ben and Jerry's and I'll give it a 9 out 0f 10. Who needs a January diet when you've got this beauty stashed in your freezer?!

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