Tuesday 19 April 2016

REVIEW - Cheerios Cinnamon Oat Crisp

Woops, time certainly flies when you've got a dissertation deadline coming up! That, coupled with Easter excitement, family visits and squeezing in a few shifts at work over the university holidays, means it's been nearly a whole month since my last review. Still, I'm back again, and with some newly-stocked kitchen cupboards, so I'm good to go!

One of my most recent food purchases was Nestle's new-ish Cinnamon Oat Crisp Cheerios. Cereal is one of my go-to breakfasts and I love normal Cheerios and cinnamon, so naturally these were appealing to me! Oh, and they were half price in Tesco as well. That's always a big selling point...

They smelled nice and cinnamon-y upon opening the bag and (as far as I could tell) I had a good mix of flakes and Cheerios in the box. At 350g, it's not the biggest box of cereal and this is a minor problem for me as I tend to eat about 3x the recommended serving size in one sitting. Still, I only paid £1.24 so I can't really complain.

The cereal was nice enough to eat but I felt a little bit underwhelmed overall - it was just a little bit... boring? The oaty flakes were nice and crunchy (I despise soft cereal) with a good hint of cinnamon flavour (although I have to say it wasn't overly strong), and the Cheerios themselves were fine and tasty as always. But it just felt a bit bland! Perhaps some dried apple pieces or some cereal clusters could have been added to jazz it up a little.

Don't get me wrong, this cereal was nice enough and is an interesting variation on the standard Cheerios - but I probably won't buy it again. It lacks the excitement and interest factor that I need at 7am to kick-start me for the day ahead. Sorry Nestle! It's a 5 out of 10 for this one.

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