Saturday 6 February 2016

REVIEW - Maple Syrup Muller Rice

Brrr. It is just me, or has it suddenly become rather unpleasantly chilly? It may not be that the weather is actually *that* cold, but we had such a mild November and December that I think any drop in temperature is suddenly a lot more noticeable. Personally I would quite like it if the weather would perk up again soon. Not least because Easter is so early this year, and I would like to do an egg hunt in the garden without having to wear a coat, a hat and a scarf.

Still, in the meantime I shall endeavour to warm myself up by staying inside as much as it is socially acceptable to do so. I also thoroughly recommend piping hot food, like some nice warm rice pudding. Anyone for a maple syrup Muller Rice?

The maple syrup swirl
The best way to eat a Muller Rice is definitely warm from the microwave - I popped this one in for 45 seconds, gave it a stir and popped it back in again for half a minute. It didn't look particularly exciting when I first took off the lid but when stirring it I uncovered a delicious looking pool of maple syrup hidden in the middle.
This was definitely very tasty - there was a decent amount of maple syrup which had that delicious characteristic taste - it didn't taste artificial, which was a relief! The flavour paired really well with the creaminess of the rice pudding and overall it was a nice, tasty pick-me-up snack for a chilly afternoon.

It is *quite* sweet (obviously, it's maple syrup!) so I don't think I'd be eating this one too regularly - it could get a bit sickly! You also have to be careful not to microwave it for too long as the syrup can get incredibly hot and may singe parts of your tongue. Of course you could eat it cold but everyone knows that warm is the way to go...

Overall this is decent enough - not particularly amazing, but certainly nothing wrong with it at all. 7 out of 10 from me.

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