Tuesday 5 January 2016

REVIEW - Ben and Jerry's Save Our Swirled

My Christmas this year (or technically last year) was lovely - a full 5 days of festive tunes, lots of food, family get-togethers, slobbing around watching tv and occasionally going on blustery walks in the afternoons. Sadly it was over all too quickly and the period since then has been a bit of a whirlwind of working at my part-time job and trying to squeeze in some revision for my January exams. This evening I definitely decided it was time for a treat and I finally got stuck in to this Save Our Swirled tub of Ben and Jerry's.

Ben and Jerry's is definitely up there in my top 3 favourite brands of ice cream, my only niggle being that I can only ever buy it when it's on offer! However I am also blessed to have an amazing mum who picks me up a tub every now and again as a treat for when I come back from university in the holidays. I've been waiting months to give this one a try, as I know she bought it some time back in October.
Healthy January?

Save Our Swirled (named so as it's Ben and Jerry's support for climate change action) is described as "raspberry ice cream with marshmallow and raspberry-blackberry swirls and chocolatey cone pieces". The packaging lists it as special edition but whether or not that also makes it limited, I'm not sure.

The ice cream was quite a pretty colour after opening the tub - the photo makes it look mainly just cream-coloured but it did have a distinct and subtle pink tinge running through it. I could also just see the tip of a chocolate cone poking through the top - yum! Unlike certain other Ben and Jerry's, it wasn't rock solid to scoop into and actually came out of the tub with minimal fuss.

I'm not normally the biggest fan of berry-flavoured ice creams so I wasn't sure what to expect with this one - however it definitely surpassed all my expectations! The ice cream itself was deliciously smooth and the flavour was gorgeous - the raspberry wasn't too intense or tart, but just right. There was a generous swirl of thick sauce running through which complemented the ice cream really nicely. And - a big plus - Ben and Jerry certainly didn't skimp on the chocolate cones throughout the ice cream. The chocolate was really nice and tasted of good quality and I thought the attention to detail was great too - the cones are made of both milk and white chocolate and look authentically like teeny tiny ice creams.

Ben and Jerry have done it again and certainly haven't let me down with a fruity ice cream - 9 out of 10! As far as I'm aware this one is still available in store so fingers crossed it's not limited edition and is here to stay. I'll certainly be buying this again, right after I've given Cinnamon Buns a go...

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