Wednesday 6 January 2016

REVIEW - Twining's Earl Grey Green Tea

It's only the 6th day of January and yet I'm already suitably fed up with the daily headlines and articles telling us all about how we can 'eat clean, lose weight, get fit and shed those festive pounds!'. Don't get me wrong, I wholeheartedly support the idea that we should all be eating more veggies, having fewer processed foods and doing more exercise to improve our health (both physical and mental), but the barrage of information that we're subjected to every year after Christmas is a little overbearing and it doesn't do much to blow away the January blues.

Still, if you are feeling like making a few changes to your diet and lifestyle this month, then drinking more fluids (not alcoholic or sugary!) is a good way to go. This is something I'm trying to do myself - I'm generally really good with drinking water in the mornings and the evenings but seem to completely forget during the daytime. It's safe to say that water is pretty bland and boring (hence why I'm so disinclined to get myself a glass) so I do try and drink green tea to keep myself hydrated.
Green... Earl Grey?

It's normally just standard green tea in my cupboard, but I couldn't not pick up this new offering from Twining's when I spied it in store. A combination of Earl Grey and green?! I love both of these so was definitely intrigued to find out how well they worked together.

I have to say, on my first couple of sips I definitely wasn't sold on this one. It tasted a little bit at first like very very weak Lemsip (as obviously Earl Grey has a citrus tang) and I didn't find it overly pleasant. However, I persevered through the mug and actually began to quite enjoy the drink - I think it was a little bit nicer as it cooled and wasn't piping hot.

It's difficult to describe, but at a push I'd say that this is a green tea with a slight taste of lemon - and a definite undercurrent of Earl Grey, which is slightly strange but oddly quite nice! I'm going to give it a 7 out of 10 but I don't imagine I'll be rushing to buy it again any time soon. I think I'll stick to ordinary green teabags and just have a mug of this every now and again! It's a bit too 'different' for me to enjoy drinking several times a day...

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