Sunday 6 December 2015

REVIEW - Cadbury Snow Bites

For me, Christmas food is all about the mince pies, the roast dinner and the chocolate. COPIOUS amounts of chocolate. Chocolate consumption begins on December 1st with that first opening of the advent calendar and gradually increases over the following weeks. I find it usually peaks a couple of days before the day itself, when I start stress-eating it as I fret about presents I haven't bought/presents I haven't wrapped/cards I haven't sent. Chocolate is everywhere - brave the Christmas aisle in any supermarket and I'd say a good 70% of it is chocolate.

I try to refrain from buying *too* much chocolate in the lead up to Christmas (mainly because I know that a. I'll probably be given a fair amount for Christmas and b. buying it in the post-Christmas sales is more fun) but I was shopping at lunchtime yesterday (never good) after a Zumba class and was desperately in need of some sugar. Sugar in the form of Cadbury's Snow Bites, those delightful balls of solid chocolate covered in a crispy sugar shell and absolutely drenched in icing sugar.
Aka festive mini eggs

If you're not familiar with Snow Bites, then they are essentially the mini eggs of Christmas (hence why I love them so much). The only differences is that they're larger, rounder and have the added feature of an icing sugar coating.

My 90g bag was £1, and the price is pretty much the same in most supermarkets. My initial reaction when I picked these up was surprise, as to me the bag seemed fairly small - but then again I missed out on Snow Bites last year so I think I'd just forgotten what to expect. Size of the the bag aside, I could still feel that there was a reasonable amount of Snow Bites within. When I opened the bag I got a hit of the strong and familiar smell of Cadbury, which was nice.

The chocolate was good - nice and solid, with a good 'bite' to it. The shell was suitably crispy and worked well with the chocolate inside. I like the addition of the icing sugar as it does make these feel Christmassy, but be warned - there's a lot of it! The only thing I will say is that the chocolate doesn't taste exactly like the classic Dairy Milk that we all know and love... Still, that aside, these Snow Bites are a lovely addition to your Christmas chocolate stash and will hopefully see you through the pain/excitement of the run up to Christmas. Slight downside is that the bag lasts for a surprisingly short amount of time and therefore you might need to buy about 5 bags at once to keep you going. But that's acceptable because it's Christmas!
Ho ho ho it's a 7 out of 10.

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