Wednesday 2 December 2015

REVIEW - Whitworths Fusions (Cinnamon Apple Jumble)

When purchasing my dried figs the other day, I also picked up these new Whitworths Fusions to try. I think they've been out for a while, but I hadn't seen them before and it seems that my local Tesco have only started stocking them fairly recently. It didn't take long for me to get through the figs so, because I can't go too long without my fix of dried fruit, I had to break into these as well.

I bought them for £1.50 but the label didn't state whether this is an introductory offer or permanent. As a huge fan of cinnamon I couldn't say no to the Cinnamon Apple Jumble, which is described by Whitworths as "a delicious jumble of chopped dates, cinnamon apple pieces, pecan halves and golden raisins." If that doesn't sound delectable to you, then they also had Fusions Coconutty, Fusions Berryfruits and Fusions Chilli and Cocoa to choose from.
A jumble of delights

The bag is 110g and, like the previously reviewed figs, comes in a handy resealable foil packet to help with freshness. Again I think the packaging is really attractive and it definitely stands out of the shelf!

I tipped out a portion at random at got a fairly even selection, although there was definitely more of the apple pieces than anything else. This is something I found to be true throughout the bag, but I'm not sure if this is simply because they're smaller than the other pieces and therefore you feel like you're getting more of them. According to the packaging, the dates, apple, pecans and raisins all contribute 25% so therefore the mix should be fairly even.

The dates and pecans were exactly as you would want and expect - nothing wrong the quality at all! I often steer clear of raisins (always opting for sultanas) as I find they can be a little too dry and chewy, however these golden raisins were absolutely fine - really plump and they tasted pretty good. Obviously the stars of the show are the cinnamon apple pieces. These were great - really soft and chewy and the cinnamon flavour was fantastic. I think that if you're not a tremendous fan of cinnamon, you would perhaps find the taste a bit too intense as Whitworths have definitely been very generous with its use. But hey, I love cinnamon so I loved these.
Overall it's a 9 out of 10 from me and I think I'll definitely be stocking up.

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