Sunday 27 December 2015

REVIEW - Lidl's Spiced Gingerbread

I'll never be able to pick just one favourite Christmas food, but I think I can safely say that gingerbread and gingerbread-flavoured things fall into my top 15 - possibly even top 10. I think my fondness for gingerbread developed during my childhood when I suffered from horrific travel sickness. Supposedly, one of the 'cures' or natural remedies for sickness and nausea is ginger; because of this, long car journeys or school trips were often accompanied by a handful of ginger biscuits - or a gingerbread man if I was lucky. 

Unfortunately for me (and those travelling with me) I still suffer from bad travel sickness and therefore quite often have to pack a packet of biscuits for the ride. However I enjoy gingerbread so much that I can't solely reserve it for times when I feel like I might be going to be sick!
Festive favourites
Much to my delight, gingerbread is everywhere at Christmas so it's not hard to get hold of some. I've always heard people raving about the Christmas food in Lidl so this year I treated myself to this bag of spiced gingerbread biscuits. At 600g, I figured it would plenty to keep me going during the run-up to Christmas.

The biscuits are bite-sized and decorated in a white icing. About half of the biscuits are further decorated with chocolate (a coating on the bottom and a drizzle over the top). They look nice and festive and I got a delicious scent of ginger when I opened the bag.

Texture-wise, I thought these were perfect - lovely and soft to bite into, but not so airy and crumbly that they become cake-like. In a way, they're almost like a delicious hybrid of cake and soft biscuit. The flavour is great - they certainly pack a punch! They're nice and spicy and the ginger taste lingers in your mouth long after you've finished eating. The addition of the sugary icing and the chocolate helps prevent the ginger taste from being too intense and overpowering. My mum - who normally isn't a fan of gingerbread - actually quite liked these but admitted she might have liked them less if they'd simply been ginger biscuits.

I'll give these an 8 out of 10 - yum, perfect festive treats! Thank you Lidl!

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